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These three ancient practices; Acudetox (5 point ear acupuncture), gong sound medicine and kundalini yoga, activate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping us slow down, feel balanced, and be more in tune with the intelligence within and all around us.
We'll begin with a short and gentle yoga set, using breath to awaken your system. Following yoga we'll place 5 sterile acupuncture needles in each ear and then relax to a 30-45 min gong sound immersion, allowing the needles and gong vibration to calibrate your system.
In the Sacred space of Mandara Skin & Body Spa, Awaken your Senses, Balance your Nervous System, and Create a Natural Detox.
- WHAT TO BRING? You (Blanket & Yoga mat will be provided)
- COST? $45 - Cash, Check or Card
- Space is limited, please RSVP
- Only 3 spaces left!