Sound Healing Journey

Sound Journeys are an excellent therapy for depression, fatigue, feelings of separation, loneliness, anger, fear, hostility and many other conditions caused by a lack of balance and harmony in the body and mind. 

"It requires nothing but receptivity in order to be fully experienced, but it must be experienced in order to be understood."

Devpreet Kaur, RYT, IKYTA

Words from clients immediately following a sound Therapy session

"It feels like every cell in my body has just been washed."

"I felt like I traveled to a different dimension and took a mini vacation from my mind." 

"My pain moved. I literally felt the pain in my neck move." 

"I saw sunset after sunset after sunset. It was amazing." 

“I experienced a sense of gratitude for my body. I acknowledged it in a way that I’ve never done before.”

“It was so nice to stop the worrying for a moment.”

sound therapy can be incorporated into any individual, Group or couples sessions.

Private Gong + singing bowl SEssions

An immersion created to fit your needs through providing A deeply Self-nourishing experience.

If moving through hardship of any kind, a private immersion can be the container for you to embrace and meet life's challenges with a lifted perspective. Based upon your stated needs, the session may consist of breathing techniques + meditation, followed by AcuWellness and gong sound immersion.

When scheduling you will be asked to provide a brief synopsis of your intentions & desires for the private immersion. This will allow Laurel to create a sacred space unique to your needs. 

60 and 90 minute private Gong SEssions Available

Group Gong + Singing Bowl SEssions

An Intimate way to spend a nourishing and rejuvenating evening with friends or Family.

These sessions we’ll begin with some variation of breathing techniques and gentle meditation, followed by AcuWellness and a 45 minute immersive gong and singing bowl experience. The acupuncture needles will remain in the ears while the gong and singing bowls are being played, paving way for a profound impression to be made within your system.

When scheduling you will be asked to provide a brief synopsis of your group’s intentions for the immersion. This allows Laurel to create a space unique to the desires of the participants.

90 minute Group Gong SEssions available

Couple's Gong + singing Bowl SEssions

An immersion created for you and your partner to slow down, be present and honor the sacred space between one another. It is A space created to drop in and lift one another up.

An ideal option to connect in a deep, Soul-centered way with your partner. Examples of intentions for these sessions may be to find greater balance, cultivate confidence in future decision-making, effective communication, or simply reconnecting.  

When scheduling you will be asked to provide a brief synopsis of your intentions & desires for your couple's immersion. This will allow Laurel to create a sacred space unique to your needs.


90 minute Couples SEssions available