"...Give us something so that we may stop exploiting our own mother. Give us something so that we may tune into the cosmos to be worthy of our mother. Give us something so that we can relate to this creative power of the God which is the mother. Give us something by which we can honestly draw in our heart the image of Grace of the Mother." Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga
Let us join together for a gentle and intimate kundalini yoga class to honor the Grace of the Mother which is interwoven within and all around us. This class will consist of breathwork, a gentle kundalini yoga kriya (yoga set) and mantra.
Please bring a yoga mat or sheepskin and blanket or bolster, if desired. Cost of the class is $12. Due to the intimate setting the class is limited to only 7 so please, kindly RSVP.
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